Organized in three vertical strips, the image depicts stylized foliage, flowers, partial faces, and abstract forms that may represent shells.

  • Davies Pacific Center

    841 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813

  • 1972

  • N/A

  • Oil paint on canvas

  • Approx. 6ft. x 18 ft.

  • Unknown

  • N/A

  • Unknown.

  • TVS digital records.

  • In 1972, Van Sant completed five intaglio relief sculptures for the Davies Pacific Center’s high rise office building. Some Van Sant resumes identify that the project also included a painted mural.

    Although it is not identified by a title, the large painting depicted in the image at right is visible in photographs that Van Sant kept from the Pacific Center project on his computer.  

    As no further images or references have been identified that may represent a painting from this period and location, it is probable that the Davies “painted mural” and Shells and Gods are the same work.

    Tony Sheets assisted Van Sant on this project.

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