Four white triangular forms are grouped together to one side of a circular base. They curve in pairs toward each other as if, like the sails of a ship, they are filled with wind. Located at the entry way to the Honolulu Yacht Harbor and Waikiki.

  • Yacht Harbor Towers

    1600 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96815 

  • 1972

  • Rummell & Boone

  • Oil paint on canvas

  • 20 ft. x 30 ft.

  • $50,000

  • Yacht Harbor Towers Corporation.

  • As of June 2019, the work was visible in situ on Google Street View and appears to be in good condition.

  • From top right:

    Sail Forms c. 1972, TVS digital records.

    “Keeping Hawaii Plastered,” Hawaii Architect, March 1976

  • “The Sail Forms at the entry to the Honolulu Yacht Harbor are made of special white concrete and white marble aggregate, laid up by hand on a 15-foot iron armature.  Upon curing, the surfaces were smoothed by grinding and polished with power polishers, thereby creating vertical terrazzo surfaces which remain today.” [1]

    Tony Sheets assisted Van Sant on this project. It was “lathed by Okazaki & Sugai Plasterers and brought to completion by Pacific Terrazzo & Tile Co.” [2]

    [1] Tom Van Sant, Artist Statement, June 19, 2013, TVS digital record.

    [2] “Keeping Hawaii Plastered,” Hawaii Architect, March 1976, p. 8



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