A sculptural group comprising seven papier-mâché  pieces and one piece made of bronze.

  • Wells Fargo Bank Headquarters, Executive Lounge

    Los Angeles, CA.

  • 1982

  • Unknown

  • Papier-mâché and bronze

  • 10 ft. x 20 ft.

  • Unknown

  • Vesti Corporation, art consultants.

  • Unknown. (The building still stands, but no longer houses REIU, Local 770. )

  • N/A

  • With no images available, the relationship between the bronze object/s and those made of papier-mâché in Desert Dreams is unknown. As papier-mâché is commonly used for temporary objects and structures, it is an unusual choice for a permanently installed work. This is the only known instance in which Van Sant used the medium professionally.

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