Designed to be viewed from above as well as from the ground, Birds of Passage was a lakeside “water sculpture” that comprised “flying pelicans with 10-foot wing spans and smaller seagulls angling through the formation.” Located at “the newly-elected 29th World Trade Center,” the sculpture “signifies a conveyance of commerce, culture, and beauty, and symbolizes the corridor through which these might pass back and forth.”

  • Warmington Plaza

    201 E. Sandpointe Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92707

  • 1982

  • Periera/Klages Partnership

  • ¾ inch disced brass

  • "60-ft," “Enormous” (LA Times, June 5, 1982)

  • Unknown

  • Mr. William Allen

  • Unknown.

  • N/A

  • Van Sant received this commission while studying for his MFA at the Los Angeles County Art Institute (now Otis Art Institute), when he won a competition held among graduate art students in Los Angeles and vicinity. It was made for the REIU’s new building in Hollywood. The raw canvas visible in the photograph’s upper right edge and the unfinished appearance of some of the figures suggest that it may record a sketch or a grisaille stage in the work. Alternatively, unresolved aspects of the work may result from student inexperience.

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